Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Make your own fabric label

This is a quick and easy way to make a fabric label with any text you want. Here I made a fabric label with my friend's baby girl's name and used it to personalise her sun hat!

Materials used: Letter stamps, small pieces of cloth, fabric paint, a sponge, small plastic container and old magazine

Prepare your work area by laying out the magazine and pouring out some fabric paint into the container. You will need very little fabric paint for this project.

Pick up some paint with the sponge and take away excess paint by dabbing the sponge on the sides of the container. This is very important especially when working with very small stamps. Lightly dab the paint onto the stamp.

It's good to practise on some scrap cloth first. When you are happy with the result, go ahead and stamp away! Follow the instructions (if any) on the paint bottle to seal the paint into the fabric.

I used a pinking shears to trim the sides. Alternatively, use a zigzag stitch or overlocking stitch to prevent fraying.

Now, attach your label on the item for that personal touch!


  1. I love this adorable idea, adds a lovely personal touch!Thanks for taking the time to stop by...hope your weekend is going well hun!

  2. Love customised stuff! So great that I can learn how to DIY all these from you! You really inspire people, especially me! =)
