Sunday, February 17, 2013

Organising my scrap ribbons

Ok, time for a confession, this is just part of the real (read: huge) scrap ribbon mess. lol. I kept many ribbons from gifts and excess ribbons from my craft projects and never got down to sorting them out till they became a huge clump of entangled mess. Time to get them organized!

First, I cut long strips of cardboard paper and made one slit at the top and two slits near the bottom. Then I put one end of the ribbon through the slit at the top and started to wind the ribbon around the cardboard strip. Note: Do not wind the ribbon too tightly as this will create folds along the ribbon. If folds appear, just give your ribbon a press with iron before you use it.

When I reached the end of the ribbon, I secured it by putting it through the two slits at the bottom. I find that having two slits will secure the ribbon better. Now do the same for all your scrap ribbons!

For the shorter scrap ribbons, they aren't long enough to go round the cardboard strips, so I simply fold and tie them together with a string. Now, we can sort out the ribbons and pack them away. I like to sort my ribbons according to their width and materials.

I kept my ribbons in ziploc bags as they take up very little space in my craft box. Alternatively, if you have more space at home, you can find pretty containers or boxes for them. I'm happy I got down to tidy up my ribbon mess, aren't they a lovely sight now? lol.

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