Tuesday, February 5, 2013

A little sun hat for a little friend

This sun hat is a belated 1st month present for my friend's beautiful baby girl! It's a little too big for her now. Hee, I'm still bad at estimating sizes for babies. But she's growing so quickly now, I think she will get to wear it soon! For now, it's a pretty good fit for the test model at my place, don't you think so?

I'm happy that I attempted this project. The long instructions looked rather intimidating initially but when I started working on it, it turned out to be a rather straightforward and easy project. I learnt some new skills, like using fusible interfacing (not a successful attempt but thankfully it wasn't crucial as I used a tough fabric, denim), making my own fabric tags (look out for another post) and working with small circular pieces of fabric. Hee, I'm definitely going to make a sun hat for Zachy boy too.

If you like to make this sun hat, check out this book for the step by step tutorial and sewing patterns. I really like this book! There are many other cute stuffs to make for babies and mums and they are good sewing projects for beginners and intermediate level sewers. hehe, I already highlighted more projects that I want to try!


  1. heehee your model is so cute. =) love this sun hat to the max and I really think you can take it to a further level with your skills and creativity!!~
