Sunday, May 24, 2015

DIY Aquarium

This is totally impromptu. After breakfast, we were just reading a book about fishes and I told him about how his grandfathers used to have fishes as pets at home and he signed to me that he wanted one too. Since he's too young for pets now, I thought why not make a fish tank instead. In 10 minutes, I found a box, printed and cut out some common saltwater aquarium fishes, cut out the foam corals and dug out my ever handy star and circle stickers and there we have our activity ready!

We added the word 'fish' later. I drew out the word and asked him to match the foam stickers to the letter.

Little buddy is really pleased about having his 'fishes' in his DIY fish tank! After the session, he wanted to know the names of all his fishes. I'm equally clueless here and so we went on to an identification activity where we searched for their names on the web. He's pretty sharp to point out any matches and I showed him the differences when it was a mismatch. Love such activity, fun, minimal prep time and maximum learning! I learnt so much about aquarium fishes myself too!

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